30th September,2010 |
Commissioning of Raw Material Handling Plant in VSP’s Expansion Commences
Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL inaugurated the commencement of Commissioning of new Raw Material Handling Plant of 6.3 MTPA Expansion in which the new conveyor system and the blender integrates with the existing conveyors of 3.0 MTPA operating units. The new facilities would cater to the needs of the expansion units and envisages creation of additional beds for storing and reclaiming of lump iron ore, iron ore fines, additives and different varieties of coal. To stack and retrieve different raw materials, additional wagon tipplers, stacker cum reclaimer, wheel on boom blender reclaimer along with inter connecting conveying systems, crushing and screening facilities have been envisaged. VSP has successfully taken up the commissioning of first phase of material handling system, comprising stacker, blender cum reclaimer and conveying the same to the existing base mix yard of sinter plant 1 & 2.The system was executed by M/s VRK Constructions for piling, M/s Bridge & roof for Civil Works, M/s GDC for Structural Works, M/s FL Smith for Equipment Erection and M/s Siemens & Rohini for Electrical Works under the supervision of M/s Dastur & co. Mr. PK Bishnoi complimented the Projects and works Collective for the commencement of Commissioning of RMHP system thereby achieving another major milestone as per MOU schedule. Mr. AP Choudhary, Director (Projects) complimented all the 32 executing agencies for meeting the schedule in commissioning the unit which is critical for supplying raw material to the production units and expressed the confidence that the remaining units of first phase of the 6.3 MTPA Expansion would also be commissioned in this financial year.Mr. Y Manohar, Director (Personnel), Umesh Chandra, Director (Operations), K Vidyasagar, IAS, CVO, Digvijay Singh, Commandant- CISF, Senior Officials of VSP, Officials of other contracting agencies, CISF Officials, Union leaders of VSP, Members of Steel Executive Association and employees of RMHP department participated. |
28th September,2010 |
Viswakarma Rashtriya Puraskar Awards for VSP
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant bagged two Viswakarma Rashtriya Puraskar Awards for suggestions and Quality Circle Projects for the year 2008 as part of its persistent march towards excellence. Viswakarma Rashtriya Puraskar is a National Award Scheme instituted by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India for the Workmen in the Industries. It recognizes and rewards the workers and supervisors each year, for their innovative suggestions resulting in higher efficiency, productivity, quality, safety & working conditions, house keeping and import substitution at Enterprise level. The applications are evaluated by a 30- member committee at national level and are assessed for ‘originality, applicability, utility of the suggestion, skill of the employees deployed, safety& working conditions and benefits accrued to the organization’. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 25,000/- each. Two teams of VSP comprising MJ Rama Rao, TV Satyanarayana, E Malleswara Rao, MVSNS Ch N Rao and B Srinivasa Rao working as Chargemen (Electrical) in Sinter Plant and S EswaraRao, K Peddiraju, K Srinivasa Rao, I Sharif and KL Narayana working as Senior Chargemen in Engineering shops and Foundry bagged the awards. The Sinter Plant Team was awarded for their project ‘Reduction in stack emission through Electro static precipitators’ which resulted in a saving of Rs 3.78 Crores. The Engineering Shops and Foundry (ES&F) bagged the award for the project ‘Development of Universal Shell Cutting Machine’, which resulted in a saving of Rs 1.13 Crores.Mr. Mallikharjun Kharge, Honourable Union Minister of Labour & Employment, Government of India presented the awards to the winners on Monday at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. MNSD Prasad Babu, DGM (Per), in-charge Plant Personnel, DK Behura, Senior Manager (Electrical) of Sinter Plant, V Chitti Babu, AGM (Mech) of ES& F and V Daisy Bob, Manager (MS) of VSP who played a key role in implementation of these suggestion schemes attended the function.Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL complimented the winners.
27th September,2010 |
Arogyavanam in VSP Inaugurated
Arogyavanam consisting of medicinal plants was inaugurated in Visakhapatnam steel Plant. The medicinal plants of fifty varieties ranging from ‘Baditha’, ‘Devakanchana’ to ‘maredu’ and ‘vaamaku’ were planted by Directors, General Managers, Union Leaders, Senior Officials and crosssection of Employees.Mr. Y Manohar, Director (Personnel), Mr. Umesh Chandra,Director (Operations),,Mr. AP Choudhary, Director (Projects), Mr. K Vidyasagar, CVO, Mr. D adinarayana, Mr. N Rama rao, Mr. Padi thrinadha rao, Mr. Gandham Venkata Rao and Mr. Bathula Srinivasa Rao of Steel executive association were also present. Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL complimented Agro-Forestry department of VSP for the initiative.
27th September,2010 |
VSP’s Teams bag Awards at CCQC-2010
Teams from Visakhapatnam Steel Plant bagged 20 Gold, 7 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals at the 10th Chapter Convention of Quality Circle (CCQC) Forum of India held recently at Hotel Green Park, Visakhapatnam. During the convention 77Quality Circle teams from 16 organizations both from Public and Private sectors of VSP, Naval Dockyard, NTPC, NINL, GMR Industries, ITC, Hindusthan Zinc Ltd. and INS-Eksila Participated. Twenty five QC and Four 5S teams from VSP participated in the convention and presented the case studies with live models. Mr. AP Choudhary, Director (Projects) of RINL-VSP who was chief Guest, AV Ramaraju, Senior Vice President, GMR Industries, Guest of honour DK Srivatsava, Executive Director- QCFI, G Kanakayya, Chapter Chairman and GM (MS) of VSP, Commodore SR Sarma, GM(Tech)- Naval Dockyard, VS Appaji, DGM (TQM),NTPC, DV Rama Sarma, Hon. Secy., QCFI, Vizag Chapter who were distinguished guests presented awards to the winners. Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL complimented the awardees of VSP.
27th September,2010 |
International Coastal Cleanup Day is being observed across the globe on 25 Sep 2010. Visakhapatnam being one of the fastest developing metropolises has seen exponential rise in the field of industrialisation and direct fallout of these advances has been the phenomenal rise in pollution level in the surrounding areas. Even the adjoining sea has been turned into a major dumping ground for sewage and waste material. As a result of this ever growing industrialisation, the pollution level at sea has gone up alarmingly in recent years. As citizens of this beautiful port city, it is the duty of each one of us to keep our surrounding areas and the coastal belt clean and green.
To achieve this aim the International Coastal Cleanup Day is being observed by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard on 25 Sep 2010. On this occasion Naval personnel of Eastern Naval Command along with their family members will take up a Coastal Cleanup Drive starting from Ramkrishna beach to Rishikonda and Kalinga beaches including waterfronts along the Tenneti Park, Double Bridge and the Naval Dockyard.
27th September,2010 |
Navy personnel arrested by CBI
The CBI arrested four people in Mumbai on Sunday including two administration officers of the Indian Navy, in connection with the leak of an examination paper.
Question papers for lower division clerk exam were leaked on Saturday by the accused who charged between Rs 15,000 and Rs 50,000 from around 138 candidates.
The exam was conducted at various places on Sunday and 35,000 candidates appeared for it. Several bank accounts have been sealed and the CBI suspects it to be part of a bigger employment racket.
Those arrested were identified as R C Naik, D S Murthy, both administration officers in Western and Eastern Naval Commands, Ranbir Singh Rawat, owner of Manasa International defence recruitment agency in Visakhapatnam and a Haryana-based teacher, Hoshiar Singh Rawat.
25th September,2010 |
The International Coastal and Waterfront Clean up Day was observed by the Eastern Naval Command and the Coast Guard today, 25 Sep 10. A large scale clean up drive was held all along the prominent beaches and water fronts of the city. The Naval community at Visakhapatnam represented by over 2500 personnel comprising officers, men, ladies and children from various units of the Command undertook the cleanup drive in earnest. The event covered areas widely dispersed around the city and outskirts, covering the Ramakrishna, Rushikonda and Kalinga beaches, and waterfronts along the Tenneti Park, Double Bridge and inside the Naval Dockyard upto the Hindustan Shipyard Limited.
Flag officers and other senior officers were also present on the occasion. With this endeavour, Eastern Naval Command aims to complement the efforts of VUDA in making Visakhapatnam a clean city. The Drive is also intended to inculcate amongst the general populace, the necessity of keeping the beaches clean and of safeguarding our environment.
The Coastal Cleanup Day that started on a modest scale on the beaches of South Padre Island, Texas in 1986 now boasts of over five lakh volunteers working across 100 countries to help heal our oceans and contribute to being better custodians of our environment, making it one of the largest volunteer efforts on the planet.
24th September,2010 |
International Coastal Cleanup Day is being observed across the globe on 25 Sep 2010. Visakhapatnam being one of the fastest developing metropolises has seen exponential rise in the field of industrialisation and direct fallout of these advances has been the phenomenal rise in pollution level in the surrounding areas. Even the adjoining sea has been turned into a major dumping ground for sewage and waste material. As a result of this ever growing industrialisation, the pollution level at sea has gone up alarmingly in recent years. As citizens of this beautiful port city, it is the duty of each one of us to keep our surrounding areas and the coastal belt clean and green. To achieve this aim the International Coastal Cleanup Day is being observed by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard on 25 Sep 2010. On this occasion Naval personnel of Eastern Naval Command along with their family members will take up a Coastal Cleanup Drive starting from Ramkrishna beach to Rishikonda and Kalinga beaches including waterfronts along the Tenneti Park, Double Bridge and the Naval Dockyard.
24th September,2010 |
Visteel Mahila Samithi’s Noble Gesture
Visteel Mahila Samithi (VMS) in association with Visakhapatnam Steel Plant donated Computers, Digital camera, Video Cameras and LCD projectors worth Rs 1.53 Lakhs to M/s Family services, Visakhapatnam on Thursday.M/s Family Services, Visakhapatnam isa non-government organization involved in Social and Educational projects in Visakhapatnam and neighbouring districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and East Godavari districts for delinquent youth, deaf and differently-abled children. It also provides counseling services to children to overcome emotional and psychological imbalances.M/s Family Services made a request to VSP for support either in the form of cash or purchase the equipments for it. It also approached VMS for the same. VMS had expressed its willingness to undertake this project and requested VSP to support it. Accordingly RINL-VSP approved the above proposal and sanctioned an amount of Rs 1.53 Lakhs to VMS. VMS had procured the items and donated the equipments.Mrs. Anita Bishnoi, President of Visttel Mahila Samithi handed over the equipments in the premises of M/s Family Services building near Kailasagiri, Visakhapatnam.Members of Visteel Mahila Samithi, Staff of M/s Family Services and large number of differently-abled children were present.
17th September,2010 |
Indian Naval Hospital Ship Kalyani celebrated her 48th Anniversary today, 17 Sep 10. The Anniversary Celebrations, marked by a host of activities, commenced with a cake cutting ceremony by Surgeon Commodore B. Fanthome, Commanding Officer and R Mahapatra Medical Assistant II, the youngest sailor. Vice Admiral Anup Singh AVSM, NM, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief was the Chief Guest at a get together hosted for dignitaries from the Command and eminent doctors from the City. A symposium on critical care is also planned to be conducted on Saturday, 18 Sep and will be followed by a Health Camp focusing on women and child health at Ponduru Village, in addition to a get together for the families of Paramedical Staff.
From a modest beginning in the barracks of INS Circars in 1962, the hospital has kept pace by progressively incorporating newer technologies and skilled personnel to offer specialized care and treatment in several disciplines. The systematic induction of advanced platforms, technologies, and increased responsibilities entrusted to the Eastern Naval Command over the years has enhanced the responsibilities of the hospital. The modular Operation Theatres, the upgraded Intensive Care Unit, the 16 Slice Multi Detector CT, and the automated analysers acquired in the last year have enhanced the hospitals capabilities immensely.
The hospital stands on the threshold of planned upgradation to a tertiary care facility, with all its attendant super-specialty equipment and staff, by hospital planners and architects sourced from all across the country. With this upgradation, the health care infrastructure at Visakhapatnam will be strengthened and the pool of medical talent available in Visakhapatnam buttressed.
17th September,2010 |
Viswakarma Puja Performed at VSP
The employees of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant performed Viswakarma Puja at the ‘Community welfare Centre’, Ukkunagaram with religious fervor and traditional gaiety on Friday.Viswakarma is the Hindu presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects. He is known as the ‘principal universal architect who is said to have built the famous ‘Dwaraka’, ‘Hastinapur’ and ’Indraprastha’ townships. The employees of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and residents of its township of Ukkunagaram revere Viswakarma and offer prayers on 17th September, which is observed as ‘Viswakarma Puja’ day. Mr. Umesh Chandra, Director (Operations) and Mr. AP Choudhary, Director (Projects) offered special prayers to the deity. Leaders of Various Employees’ Unions, Officials of VSP, Ladies and children of Ukkunagaram also participated in the function.Mr. Umesh Chandra and Mr. AP Choudhary complimented the organizers and conveyed their best wishes.
17th September,2010 |
Escap of mid-air crash between two flights
Around 100 passengers of a Chennai-Visakhapatnam Jet Airways flight and a Visakhapatnam-Chennai Kingfisher flight had a narrow escape after the two aircraft came on a collision course at 15,000 feet about 150 km away from Vizag over the Bay of Bengal on Wednesday. The incident happened at around 1 pm.
Kingfisher aircraft’s pilot was told to climb to 16,000 feet after the Chennai air traffic control (ATC) found that the two planes were flying at the same altitude and were less than seven minutes from a collision. The aircraft were around 30 miles apart.
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has started investigations into the incident. The two ATR aircraft were halfway through their journeys and were cruising over the sea when the alert was sounded, said a pilot.
17th September,2010 |
16th September,2010 |
The 40th All India Sainik Schools Principals Conference was inaugurated by Honourable Minister of State for Defence, Shri MM Pallam Raju at Sainik School Korukonda today 16 Sep 10. Shri MM Pallam Raju was received on arrival by the Principal, Group Captain R Murali at the helipad. The visiting dignitary was given a Guard of Honour by 50 cadets of Senior Division NCC. Thereafter, the Chief Guest inaugurated the Conference by lighting the lamp. The school cadets sang the Sainik School Society song to mark the inauguration of the Conference. The Conference is also being attended by Shri Upamanyu Chaterjee, IAS, Joint Secretary (Training), Sainik Schools Society, Shri Rabindra Prasad, Honorary Secretary, Sainik Schools Society and the Inspecting Officers Brigadier Ranjit Singh, and Group Captain VT Parnaik, in addition to the Principals of 24 Sainik Schools spread all over India. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister expressed his satisfaction at the performance of the Schools. He brought out that in the past three years a total number of 427 cadets from various schools have joined the National Defence Academy, amounting to 40% of the total intake. While appreciating the support of the local MP Smt B Jhansi Lakshmi and all concerned, he expressed at the the developmental activities at Sainik School Korukonda in the areas of infrastructure, human resources etc. that were clearly evident. The three day Conference being hosted by Sainik School, Korukonda after a gap of 18 years, is an annual event held with a view to discussing administrative activities, policy matters, problems faced by different schools and the performance of the cadets in various schools.
14th September,2010 |
Memorandam to Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri K.Rosaiah.
Memorandam submitted to reduce the recently hiked GVMC. By Sri Balaraju, Hon'ble minister, mayor P.Janardhan Rao, T.Vijyakumar MLA , north, Velagapudi Ramakrishna babu.MLA.East, M.Srinivasa Rao MLA .Bhimili,Ch.Venkataramayya,MLA,GAJUWAKA. and other Floor leaders of the Gvmc.
14th September,2010 |
Hindi Fortnight celebrations by Eastern Naval Command that commenced on 01 Sep 10 were concluded with a Valedictory function held at Samudrika Naval Auditorium today, 14 Sep 10. Rear Admiral Sameer Saran Lal, VSM, Director General Naval Project, Visakhapatnam was the Chief Guest at the function, and Dr SM Iqbal, Professor(Retd), Department of Hindi, Andhra University was the Special Invitee. Speaking on the occasion Rear Admiral Sameer Saran Lal emphasised the importance of implementation of Official Language Hindi and advised the gathering to put in efforts for simplifying the use of Hindi language so that it is willingly used by all. The special invitee expressed his appreciation for the efforts put in by the Eastern Naval Command in the field of Official Language Hindi.
Rear Admiral Sameer Saran Lal released the 16th edition of Poorvi Vani, the Hindi Magazine of Eastern Naval Command. Later, the Chief Guest and the Special Invitee gave away prizes to the winners of the Rajyabhasha Puraskar and various competitions conducted for the Service and Civilian personnel of the Eastern Naval Command during the Hindi Fortnight celebrations.
14th September,2010 |
Floral tributes were paid to the mortals of two Army Jawans, Late Naik Sreenu Kotana and Late Naik D Ramana Murthy from the 19 Engr. Regiment, as their bodies arrived today 14 Sep 10 at Naval Air Station, INS Dega. The courageous soldiers made the supreme sacrifice whilst on duty in Jammu and Kashmir.
The ceremonial guard of the Eastern Naval Command performed the solemn drill of Shok Shastra, followed by two minutes of silence. Wreaths were placed on behalf of the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command, Station Commander, Zillah Sainik Welfare officer, Police Commissioner, District Collector and many others.
Late Naik Sreenu Kotana was a resident of Mogalipuram Village, Sabbavaram Taluk, Visakhapatnam and Late Naik D Ramana Murthy was a resident of Dola Village, Polaki Taluk, Srikakulam District.
14th September,2010 |
In journey of distinctions now this is the time of Rajbhasha. Visakhapatnam steel plant under the flagship of RINL has been awarded with most prestigious ‘Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha shield’. The shield was awarded by His excellency Vice President of India Dr. Hamid Ansari, in a glittering function organized at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 14th September, 2010.Sri PK Bishnoi, CMD, RINL, has received this award. Sri Y Manohar, Director (Personnel), RINL was also present.Sri Bishnoi, CMD, RINL complemented VSP collective for this achievement.
07nd September,2010 |
Rally at Jail road
07th September,2010 |
Training Excellence Award for RINL-VSP
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limted – Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has been declared Winner of ‘Gold award for outstanding achievement in Training Excellence’ by Greentech Foundation, New Delhi.
M/s Greentech Foundation has announced ‘Greentech Excellence Awards 2010 under the categories of ‘Best Strategy’, ‘Training Excellence’, ‘Innovation in recruitment’, ‘Technology Excellence in HR’ and ‘Innovation in Employees Retention strategies’.
About 287 organizations both in Public Sector and Private sector have applied for the awards in these categories. RINL- VSP applied for award in ‘Training Excellence’ category for which 56 organizations participated.
RINL-VSP has established world class training infrastructure right since inception and continuously improved the facilities, systems, hardware and resources in a planned manner, which has helped it in winning the award.
The Award will be presented on September, 17 at the ‘Greentech HR Excellence Award 2010’ Award Ceremony Program in Goa.
It may be noted that recently RINL-VSP was awarded ‘Great Place to work’ by Great Place to Work institute and Economic times.
Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD complimented RINL-VSP collective.
(2) RINL into Population Stabilization
As a Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative RINL-VSP has become a life member of ‘Jansankhya Stiratha Kosh’ (JSK) which is a National Population Stabilization Fund, New Delhi.
JSK has been established as a Registered Society of the Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India supported with a Rs 100 Crore corpus fund. The General Body of the JSK is chaired by the Union Minister for Health and family welfare, while the Union Home Secretary is the Chairman of the governing body. Among others two nationally renowned NGOs are presently members of the governing body.
The primary goal of JSK is achieving national population stabilization at a level consistent with sustainable development. The aim is to promote innovative projects, undertake operational research studies and channelize contributions received from organizations and individuals that support population stabilization. RINL-VSP as Facilitator to various socially beneficial projects under its CSR Policy has contributed Rs one Lakh to become ‘Gold Membership’.
04nd September,2010 |
Director (Projects) compliments CISF of VSP
Mr. AP Choudhary , Director (Projects) appreciated the excellent services being rendered by CISF to industry particularly Visakhapatnam Steel Plant for providing all support for decades together including for expansion area where large number of activities have been taken up simultaneously .Speaking as Guest of Honour at the Prize distribution ceremony of CISF Volley ball tournament, he complimented the Commandant, CISF of VSP for organizing the tournament and congratulated the winners.Mr. Y Manohar, Director (Personnel) who was Chief Guest distributed the Winners Trophy to CISF-VIZAG and Mr. AP Choudhary presented the Runners Trophy to CISF-Kochi.Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL complimented the participants and congratulated the winners. |
04nd September,2010 |
Strategic Leadership Award for CMD of RINL
The Chairman, Advisory Council and Board of Governors of the Asia Pacific Human Resource Management Congress conferred on Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD of RINL and honoured with the "Strategic Leadership Award" for his well known leadership and contribution to Human Resource Development and for being a role model as a ‘thinker’, a ‘doer’ and a ‘believer in change’ and for his ‘strategic and iconic stature’.The Award was presented by Mr. RC Bhargava, EX-CMD of Maruti Udyog and Mr. Bhaskar Chatterji, Secretary, DPE, government of India at a function organized at Hotel Taj Residency in Bangalore on Friday evening.
03nd September,2010 |
RINL-VSP Records Highest Monthly Sales in the current Financial Year - the best for any August since Inception
RINL-VSP produced 2.52 lakh tons of Saleable steel during August, 2010 recording a growth of 9 % over August, 2009. During the five months of April-August, 2010 VSP produced 12.23 lakh tons of Saleable Steel which is also higher as compared to corresponding period last year. RINL-VSP’s thrust continues to be on ‘Value Added Steel’. During August, 2010 the production of ‘Value Added steel’ was 2.14 lakh tons as compared to 1.63 lakh tons in August, 2009 registering a growth of 31 % and ‘best August’ since inception. The production of Value added steel for the five months of April-August’, 2010 also touched a million tons registering a growth of 4 %.With the larger availability of ‘Value added Steel products’, better customer services and strategic marketing, RINL-VSP sold 3.57 lakh tons of steel in August, 2010, a growth of 32 % over July, 2010 and 7 % over the corresponding period of August, 2009 thus achieving the highest monthly sales in the current financial year. Progress of Expansion got further stepped up with commissioning of Permanent 220 KV power supply system and other equipments. With the dispatch of balance equipment from China, Russia and USA, the total supply from import sources gets completed. RINL-VSP is all set to commission its first stage of expansion during the current financial year.For the next phase of expansion to 11 million tons per annum, the tender was also issued for finalization of consultant for preparing the feasibility report. Mr. PK Bishnoi, CMD complimented RINL-VSP collective, for ‘rising to the occasion’ and appealed to the collective to desist from the proposed strike by some of the trade unions.
02nd September,2010 |
CMD of RINL Compliments Swathi
Mr. PK Bishnoi complimented Miss Pragada Swathi on her various achievements as excellent Kuchipudi Dancer and as an outstanding NSS Volunteer, when the later called on him on Thursday.Miss Swathi is the daughter of Mr. P Satyanarayana, Foreman working in Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. She is studying 3rd year B.Sc (Microbiology) in St. Ann’s Degree College for women, Malkapuram. She participated in Republic Day parade in 2009 and participated in the International Youth Exchange program held in Seoul from 12th August to 21st August, 2010. Miss Swathi was the only girl to be selected for the program from Andhra Pradesh.Miss swathi got two gold medals in NSS as best volunteer at district level and University level during 2009-10. She performed Kuchipud in State and at National level.
02nd September,2010 |
Hindi Fortnight celebrations for the year 2010-11 were inaugurated at the Samudrika Naval auditorium, Eastern Naval Command today, 01 Sep 10, by Rear Admiral AV Subhedar, Chief Staff Officer (Technical). Speaking on the occasion, Rear Admiral Subhedar exhorted all personnel to carry out maximum official work in Hindi to accelerate implementation of the National language in the Command. Padmasree Y Lakshmi Prasad, Chairman, Hindi Academy, Andhra Pradesh and Professor, Hindi Department, Andhra University was a Special Invitee on the occasion. He stressed on the need to generate new ideas and methodologies which can be easily accepted and adopted in the rapidly changing scenario for effective implementation of the Official Language.
The function was attended by a large number of service and civilian personnel from various establishments of ENC. The fortnight will witness various competitions and workshops on Hindi with a view to inculcate interest towards the usage of Hindi amongst the personnel.