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Amrit or nectar was in the veins of human beings in Ramarajya metaphorically. What happened since! |
Depression, personal, national, natural .Causes and remedies.Shortsightedness. |
The last word in all spiritual teachings is God which is irreversible.Teachers and cheaters. |
The Supreme was thus analysed by Veda How to assimilate this Truth! |
Permanence of creation is the lesson of Veda which nullifies all egos and establishes oneness. |
Divine dispensation promotes the love of the Lord.Psalms 103, 104. Veda. |
Mass communication is effective in spreading human values. |
Psycho-social vitality or consciousness was sought to be built by Veda and Gandhiji. the way. |
Divinity vanishes when suffocated by gibberish shrieks, smoke, acts of sacrilege,boon demands. |
Seek perfection which is the natural creative process, phenomenon or law.Veda prescribed it. |
Path to progress and glory outlined by Rishis and Veda. Soft and sweet words, no titillation. |
Growth of a nation is possible with healthy ideas. Decline in India is disheartening.Root cause. |
Students should be insulated from unhealthy romanticism. Gandhiji prescribed peaceful anti-dote. |
Human values nurtured over ages gave India Ramarajyam reputation now being ruined by neglect. .. |
'' Count your blessings'' is the lesson of all scriptures.Christ= stop crying. Veda= start helping. |
Weight is measured by several standards. Character is its synonym Reasons for decline. |
Peace hormones are promoted by Ram-consciousness. Gandhiji proved it.World needs this manna. |
Thinking is being, Seeing God's presence everywhere is saintliness.Veda laid foundations of truth. |
Freedom and secularism are abused when falsehood is presented as truth.Expiation provided. |
Physiology, Material progress, Human failure, wastage. Remedies,St. Mat. 6-33, Scriptures. |
Classical standards, foundation of modern society, artificiality and superficiality notwithstanding. |
Hope, Prayer, Devotion and dedication to work or duty are the means for fulfillment in life. |
Civilization implies civility and modernity.Most of the mythological stories sound obsolete. |
Capability is the aim of life.Human effort is vital. Laxity is baneful.Promote scientific studies. |