Prof.K. Niranjan, Dean, Academic Affairs and Professor of Space Physics, assumed charge as Registrar of Andhra University on 7-7-2018 (Saturday).
The Executive Council yesterday appointed Prof.Niranjan as Registrar in place of Prof.V.Umamaheswara Rao.
Prof.G.Nageswara Rao, Vice-Chancellor, Principals Prof.K.Ramamohana Rao, Prof.P.S.Avadhani, Prof.T.Vinod Rao, Prof.P.Hariprakash, Prof.D.V.R.Murthy, Deans, Officers, Heads of Departments,Faculty, Research Scholars and others greeted Prof.Niranjan.
Prof.Niranjan is a senior professor of Space Physics. He attended national and international conferences and seminars on Space Physics held in USA, Japan, and other countries.