Real Estate
Procedure to obtain sanction for construction

Prior to erection/ re-erection or making 'material alterations' to building, an application is to be made to the office of the City Planner, VMC.

The following shall accompany the application.



Application for Building permit - The following shall accompany the application for building permit in the case of permission for erection , re-erection or making material alteration.

(I) Key-plan : A key -plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:10,000 shall be submitted along with the application for a building  permit, showing  the boundary of the site w.r.t neighborhood landmarks.

(II) Site-Plan : Plan sent with an application shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500 for areas up to 1 Ha and not less than 1:100 for areas more than 1 Ha and shall show.


The boundary of the site of any contiguous land belonging to the owner thereof;


The position of site in relation  to neighboring street;


The name of the street in which the building is proposed  to be situated, if any;


All existing building standing on, over or under the site;


The position of the building  or of all other buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in (a) in relation to;


The boundaries of the site and in case where the site has been partitioned the boundaries of the portion owned by the applicant and also, of the portion owned by others;


All adjacent streets, buildings (with number of storeys and premises within a distance of 15m of the site of the contiguous land (if any) referred to in (a); and


Position of any public or private water supply with which water is intended to be withdrawn.


The means of access from the street to the buildings and to all other buildings, and to all other buildings, which the owner intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in (a);


Space to be left in land around the building to secure a free circulation of air, admission of light and access for scavenging purposes and detailed projection (if any) on to the open spaces;


The width of the street (if any) in front and of any street (if any) at the side or rear of the proposed building;


The direction of North Point relative to plan of building;


Any existing physical features, such as wells, drains,  trees etc;


Aerial, electric lines, and sewerage and drainage line upto discharge point and water supply lines;


Aerial electric supply line, water supply and drainage line; and


Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.

(III) Building Plan :
The plan of the buildings and elevations and sections accompanying the application shall be drawn to a scale not less than 1:100. The plan shall:


Include the floor plans of all floors together with the covered areas clearly indicating the size and spacing of all framing members and sizes or rooms and the position of staircases, remarks and lift wells shall include tabular-statement showing plinth area and details of covered areas including the compound wall, gate, cantilevered porch and portico, slide swing, uncovered staircase, chajjas on all floors;


Show the use of occupancy of all parts of the building;


Show exact location of essential services, for example WC sinker bath and the like include the water supply and drainage line;


Include sectional drawings showing clearly the size of footings thickness of basement wall, wall constructions size and spacing of framing members of floor slab and roof slabs with their materials and size locations of doors, windows and other openings. The section shall indicate the heights of building and rooms and also the heights of the parapets; and the drainage and of slope, of the roof. At least I section should be taken through the staircase;


Show all street elevations;


Give dimensions of the permissible projected portions within open spaces;


Include terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof; and


Give indications of the North Point relative to the plan and scale used.

(IV) Service Plan : Plans, elevations and sections of private water supply and sewage disposal system independent of municipal services, if any, shall also be included.

Further the service plan shall indicate the following :


The intended line/lines of the drainage of the building for the discharge of the rain water and sullage and sewage separately (each in separate distinguishing colour)


The intended size, depth and inclination of each drain;


The position of any sewer/drain with which the drainage is intended to be connected;


The position and section of private water supply line (in a separate distinguishing colour);


The details of the arrangement proposed for the ventilation of the drain.

(V) Ownership Title :
Every application for building permit shall be accompanied by the following as proof of Ownership;

Attested copy of the original sale/lease deed; and


( Clause 2.1 )

(1) (2) (3)
i) A0 841 x 1189 880 x 1230
ii) A1 594 x 841 625 x 880
iii) A2 420 x 594 450 x 625
iv) A3 297 x 420 330 x 450
v) A4 210 x 297 240 x 330
vi) A5 148 x 210 165 x 240

Note :
In arriving at the trimmed sizes of drawing paper, the following basic principles, which have been dealt with in IS: 1064-1961*, have been taken into consideration:


Two successive sizes of the series are obtained by halving or doubling. Consequently, the surface areas of two successive sizes are in the ratio of 1:2 (see Fig. 1).


The formats or forms are geometrically similar to one another, the sides of each size being in the ratio of 1:Ö`2.


The surface area of the basic size A0 is one square metre.

*Specification for paper sizes (revised)